10 Ways To Get Kids To Eat Vegatables

The recommended amount of vegetables to eat in a day is 1 to 3 cups depending on your age, gender and level of physical activity. We know some kids who shies away from anything green or refuses to take even a bite of broccoli, so getting them to have at least 1 cup of vegetables daily can be tough.

1. Grate Zucchini or Carrots into Meat mixtures

Grate your zucchini and carrot really finely and add them into beef or turkey mixture like meatballs, burgers or even meat loaf. They will add a nice moistness and fold right into the meat. The best thing is they will taste great, and will be packed with so much hidden veggies! The kids will never know…..

2. Blend them into Smoothies

Vegetables like cauliflower rice, spinach and baby kale all practically disappear taste-wise when added into smoothies. Spinach and baby kale may turn a green colour, but you can’t even taste them! Here is a quick smoothie recipe to try out, all you’ll need is:

  • Spinach

  • Banana

  • Apples

  • Kiwi Fruit

  • Blueberries

  • Chia Seeds &

  • Milk

Don’t worry the kids will not taste a sense of that spinach in there!

3. Airfry!

As we know fries are like a little kids best friend (in a food way). This will help with the ‘eat your veggies’ battle you have with your kids… they are going to fall in love with fried veggies! Not only are they fast to make, but they are so tasty - you can even add a dipping sauce to make that taste even better.

4. Get involved with Gardening

5. Roast Veggies for sweeteness

6. Add in some Dips

Did you know that babies are born with a preference for sweet tastes because it draws them to their mother’s breast milk. In this case, this might be why your kids do not want to eat their vegetables and would rather eat the more sweeter foods like lollies all the time. But sometimes all it takes for a picky eater is to spice up their vegetables they will not go near. You can try and offer them with a dip like hummus or something cheesy to encourage them to eat their vegetables with it. The best vegetables for this are celery, carrots, cucumber or even capsicums.

7. Pizza Veggies

8. Blended Soups

If your child doesn’t like the chunks of vegetables or even the texture of them, try blending your veggies for soup! Or even if your child loves some veggies and not the rest (always tends to be the best ones for you) try adding some into soups they are familiar with and love….. see if they notice at all! The all time favourite soup for kids is a cheesy soup, so when your making it next add in some veggies but make sure your adding in more veggies than cheese!

9. Pick your own Produce

10. Turn your child into your own Chef!

The more you get your children more involved in cooking meals with vegetables, the more they will be interested in eating the meal that they helped you prepare. You can even take them shopping with you! As they walk around our store they’ll see all the bright, colourful veggies and will be curious to try them. You can even get them to help you pick the vegetables out too, for some fun.


30 Plants in 7 Days


A Guide To Meal Prepping